Experienced Walnut Creek Theft Crime Lawyer: 925-208-4801
Even Minor Charges Can Hold Lifelong Consequences
If you were recently charged with a theft crime, you are likely feeling worried about your future. Theft crimes, even though they may seem minor, can hold lifelong consequences that can negatively affect your career aspirations and give you a permanent criminal record. While most theft crimes are misdemeanors in California, which means that you may only go to jail and pay a fine, some can be more serious, leading to a felony conviction.
Getting proper representation from a Walnut Creek theft crime attorney is important for your future. Call Thomas Daly Law, A Professional Corporation for help today: (925) 208-4801.
Defining Theft Charges in California
There are a variety of theft crimes that you may be charged with. Sometimes, you may even be facing multiple charges. California draws a line between grand theft and petty theft. A number of different factors can affect the final charge, such as the value of what was allegedly stolen. Generally speaking, when the total value is below $950, it is considered petty theft, while above that amount is considered grand theft.
Pickpocketing: Pickpocketing is when you steal something from somebody’s person, usually in a public place. This may be a purse, wallet, or jewelry. Depending on the value of these items, you may be facing serious consequences.
Theft of Motor Vehicles, or Grand Theft Auto: Stealing somebody else’s automobile is a serious crime. You will likely be facing thousands of dollars in fines and, depending on the circumstances of your crime, you may also face years in prison.
Identity Theft: Identity theft may not seem like a serious crime, especially because it can often be done from your own home. However, identity theft is on the rise and states have made the consequences for it much higher. Identity theft is usually an additional charge to other crimes, including forgery or personal property theft
Shoplifting: Shoplifting is the most common theft crime in the United States. Millions of dollars are stolen from retail stores each year. What seems like a victimless crime is actually serious and depending on the value of the items, you may face time in jail.
Embezzlement: The fraudulent appropriation of property by a person to whom such property has been entrusted or into whos hands it has lawfully come.
Burglary: also called breaking and entering, is illegally entering a building or other areas to commit a crime.
Robbery: taking or attempting to take anything of value by force, threat of force, or by putting the victim in fear, with the intent to permanently deprive the person of that property.
Theft crimes should not be taken lightly. You need to speak to a Walnut Creek theft crime lawyer who knows the law and can represent you and your best interests in court.
Thomas Daly is available for free initial consultations. Call (925) 208-4801 today.