Walnut Creek White Collar Criminal Defense Lawyer
Don’t Write Off Your Charges. Call (925) 208-4801 Now.
Most people don’t think that they have the position or power to commit a white collar crime. What instead comes to mind are CEOs and bankers who make headlines across the country. However, white collar crimes are actually very common and the laws are written very broadly, meaning you may be charged with an offense without even knowing what a white collar crime really is.
Get a Walnut Creek criminal defense lawyer who will help you navigate the complex system. Call Thomas Daly Law, A Professional Corporation now at (925) 208-4801.
White Collar Crimes Are Complex
The overwhelming thing about white collar crimes is how difficult they are to prove and how long they take to investigate. The government defines white collar crimes as any crime committed solely for financial benefit. So, if you own a business, are a politician, or work for a company involved in a pyramid scheme, there may be a chance that you could be charged with a white collar crime.
White collar crime investigations can take years as investigators pour through piles of paperwork and computer records. The government may already have an undercover agent investigating you or your business dealings.
When you learn of a white collar criminal investigation against you, take these steps:
Do not talk to the police or anybody suspicious. They may be trying to get information that they do not have from you so that you incriminate yourself.
If you were doing anything that may be illegal, stop. Do not continue to profit off of the crime you are being investigated for.
Trust a Walnut Creek criminal defense lawyer who is well-versed in the law. A lawyer is your best bet to minimize the potential penalties.
Luckily, white collar crimes are unique in that you find out you are being charged before you are arrested. This gives you the opportunity to call a lawyer who can be with you from the beginning, ensuring that you can get the most from your case.
Walnut Creek white collar criminal defense lawyer Thomas Daly is ready to fight for you. Call (925) 208-4801 for a free consultation now.